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How To Become Unemployable

I am unemployable. I always have been. I always will be.

Up until last year employment gave me a morbid fear deep in the pit of my stomach. Even with a successful personal business, living in a house that is paid for, and a dedicated support team in the wings – I still was freaking out about the fact that I don’t think I could hold a job anywhere for anyone.  To give you the cliff notes,  I decided to embrace the fact that I am unemployable (not run from it). It has been a tremendous feeling ever since.  For the longer version, keep reading.

24 Jobs

I am 29 years old and  have had 24 jobs. This doesn’t include jobs without technical listings born from entrepreneurial adventures.  I have been a flower sorter, waitress, bartender, toy store clerk, salesman, dishwasher, stocker, sushi maker, candleshop clerk, pizza girl, sandwich artist, graphic designer, musician, screen printer – the list goes on. Mostly, I worked in the food/service industry. There were times I had 3 jobs at once and times I had no job at all. Working wasn’t the problem. Working has never been a problem for me. Boredom and my lack of significance was the problem.

Except for being a musician, I hated those jobs. I never felt challenged in my jobs. I was bored and had too much time to think about all the dreams I wasn’t pursuing.  Ultimately, it lead to the death of my jobs and the reason why I became unemployable.

What It Means To Be Unemployable


This is meant to serve as my personal interpretation of the term “Unemployable” and what “employed” means to me.  To me, unemployable means to no longer be a thoughtless performer of predetermined movements and processes. To me, unemployable means to no longer be a cyborg to an industry or job which will not let you develop. I can say with a sound mind – I am unemployable.  I will never be in employed in that manner again.

Do you know how it feels to say that? It brings a slight tear to my eye. It is essentially, freedom.

I Don’t Have Millions In The Bank

I am not loaded in money, but I have trillions in knowledge. It isn’t about having so much money that you don’t have to worry about money. That isn’t the point. I don’t have millions – yet. I will, but it doesn’t matter anyway.

Just yesterday, I was reading in the news about a Wine heir who had over 10 million dollars and lost it all over the years through careless spending and lifestyle habits. The money came easy and left just as easy. In the end, he was employed by an automated system. He got too comfortable with employment and it laid him off. Now, he seeks formal employment where ever he can.  He never broke away from the machine, it just had a different name than we are used to seeing.

You can have millions or you can have nothing, it doesn’t matter. Unemployeable is a state of mind. It is a belief system within yourself. You have to trust your knowledge and self to manage your own dreams. Those dreams could be to work for a company. But, those dreams should never lead you to become a cog.

Most of us who visit a site like this one have a dream of being the leader, boss, and the driver. The truth is, we all are technically under the hand of something or someone. We are controlled by government, policy makers, trend setters, and our moral gut. You control nothing, but you control everything. It is a delicate balance you have to accept and treat with respect, or else it will govern your life and take control over your journey.

How To Become Unemployable

1. Hold The Knowledge, Hold The Power

In the movie Shawshank Redemption, Andy (the lead character) is a prisoner wrongly accused of a crime and serving a long sentence. One day, he is placed in solitary confinement for playing music over the loud speakers against the guards rules. When he was released from the dark with nothing but himself,  he spoke to others of the music keeping him company. He said “there are places in this world that aren’t made out of stone. That there’s something inside… that they can’t get to, that they can’t touch. That’s yours.”

So is knowledge. They can’t take it from you.

2. Find Your System Of Freedom

Since freedom is different for everyone, you have to figure out what freedom means to you. It isn’t always about money or time in a technical sense. Freedom, whatever it stands for, should be your ultimate goal.

My day is how I want to spend it. My life is how I want to define it. The choices I make will always fall within my system of freedom. For me, it is what time I get up, who I respond to (or don’t) and the ability to work towards the greater good for my family and people in general. This is my system of freedom. What is your system?

3. Play It Smart And Think Long Term

It is easy to get caught up with material possessions. Don’t get me wrong, I love nice things, but I don’t love them enough to relinquish peace of mind. If you have the ability to explore a lavish lifestyle – superb. Otherwise, play smart and plan for hard times. In desperation, it is difficult to maintain your inner unemployable.

In my timeline, there are certain things I will not do until the people I love and myself are in certain positions. Start with smaller homes and pay them off. Start with used cars, and pay them off. Own everything you can and create a safety net for yourself. Set up your life so that no matter what happens, there is always somewhere you can call home.

You Too Can Be Fired

Success is a fluid concept. Happiness is a fluid concept. The “rich” can be traumatic and “poor” can be jovial.

The best fortune some people can have is being fired from their employable job. As soon as possible, become unemployable. As soon as possible, take power of your destiny and move yourself from the false sense of comfort a job makes. The biggest trick in the world is to think someone else’s business decisions will keep you safe.  I sleep easier at night knowing that as long as I breath, I will have a job in me.

Leigh Peele


Leigh Peele is a nationally published author and expert in the field of fat loss. Currently, she has two successful ebooks, a membership site, and endless options in clients and business opportunity. She is now taking her time to help others grow in the business of marketing and blogging. You can find more information at href="">

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