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Keeping it real moment…

Keeping it real moment…

I see tons of people selling these ridiculously high end coaching/mentor/consulting programs…and I feel bad for people who get sucked into these insanely priced programs.

First – only a few will ever actually succeed with this type of model. Not everyone is a salesman/woman.

Second – the bold claims of how much money they “closed” rarely accurately reflects how much was actually “collected”.

Third – the ongoing efforts of “closing” clients to keep your business alive just sucks. I mean who wants to constantly keep working for their money?

And fourth – if you’re an entrepreneur…who wants to report to “clients” or have “clients” report to you? You may as well get a desk job if you want to do that!

When building your business, think of ways to highly leverage yourself to the point where you don’t need to constantly close people or have clients or chase people down for ginormous amounts of money. And more importantly learning how to take yourself out of the business…so you don’t have to actually be there!

Product Funnels + Traffic = one way to a more scalable model with longevity.

Or other models that are automated income generators (apps, ebooks, etc.)

All you have to do is provide incredible value and take care of your customers…and the rest will follow.

And you can do this without selling yourself and having to be around in front of a computer or on the phone all day.

So before you get all caught up in the hype…take a step back and take a look at the model and realize the truth…

That you need to leverage yourself!

Look for ways to make passive income that will pay you for years to come.

Build something ONCE and have it pay you over and over again…doesn’t that just make sense?

And then take yourself OUT of the business and have someone else run it!

There’s a reason I run 5 businesses…it’s because I CAN!

And I LOVE to try new things!

Leverage + automation + scalability = longevity.

Amish Shah

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