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Day 24 – 30 Days on $100 food challenge – Yay for lollies

We spent our last 15 today and we are sorta scared at how close we are to the end and that we have no money left. I even got to buy lollies woo!!

Tip number what ever: Make sure there is a line behind you at the supermarket and call the super market attendant on a “falsey scanned” item. Then they should push it through without any problem. Be sure to make it a high ticket item over $1000.

We are still here and im not letting Sheree quite. We cant wait to make some really yummy meals! We have decided to go to a really nice restaurant  on the day we are allowed to eat.

We are going a little crazy and fantasize about food we really desire.

Sheree has a really good question, love to hear your thoughts:

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  1. avatar comment-top

    “I’m not wearing any pants!!!” I love it! Ha.

    You guys started this challenge because you were thinking about how much money you blew when you didn’t have to.

    I strongly suggest EASING into your eating… because you may order way too much and waste anyways… Same with shopping. Only buy 3 days or so worth of organics instead of 50… ;)

    … more comments in a bit.


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