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Get More Buyers Review – How To Pack Your Email List With Buyers

I met Ilana Wechsler at a recent event in Sydney, where although still a relevative newbie, she clearly demonstrated her passion for Internet marketing. I asked if she was interested in reviewing a course I had been given access to, which teaches people how to get more buyers on to your email list. Ilana jumped at the chance to learn and also share some of her new education back with readers of in this review. Here’s what she thought of the href="">Get More Buyers by Michael Rasmussen video course…

As the saying goes, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. This statement couldn’t ring more true regarding my entry into the world of internet marketing. Although I haven’t quite reached my desired final destination, I can definitely report about my journey to date.

Starting from humble beginnings is an understatement for me. When I was starting out and looking to ‘get my hands dirty’ and learn by example, the unanimous advice was to start in a niche that you are passionate about. In my case, this is cooking.

Being a complete sucker for recipes, cookbooks, cooking shows etc, this seemed like a logical place to start. My challenge however was turning this into a revenue stream, which turned out to be not as easy as it sounded.

I turned to the internet marketing gurus who stated that to make money online, you need to build a list of subscribers. Sounds simple in theory and so I started by placing an opt-in script on my website enticing people if they subscribed, they would “receive updates of future recipes and great offers by email”. To my surprise, no one subscribed – ok, so maybe it won’t surprise you, but hey, I was a newbie.

Time passed and still I had no subscribers, so it became obvious that I needed to entice people to sign up by giving something away. I created a free e-cookbook in exchange for people’s email address. This seemed to work and I slowly built up a list of a couple of hundred subscribers. Not amazing numbers, but a start. I then proceeded to try and sell these people cookbooks and other cooking related items. Once again, the ‘journey’ continued and much to my surprise, no one purchased an item. This wasn’t meant to happen as I had the holy grail of internet marketing – an email list!

Based on discussions with other fellow internet marketers, I realised that I was not alone in not being able to convert my email list into a revenue stream. What is commonly lacking in an approach to email marketing, is two-fold;

  1. An email list of actual buyers, rather than freebie seekers, as was the case for my list
  2. No clear and structured plan of what you intend to sell to your list over time

Committed to the cause, I came across Michael Rasmussen’s video course href="">Get More Buyers, which seemed to address these very issues. One of the many things which rang true for me in his course was that a subscriber is worth nothing to you until they have bought something. I studied his course with keen interest to put into practice how I could turn my list into a list of buyers so that my passion for cooking could also become a good revenue stream.

href=""> src="" alt="Get More Buyers" border="0" />

What I Learned In The Course


The first half of this course is on email marketing, something which Michael has had a lot of success with and according to most gurus, is the way to make serious money. He does this by explaining how you should segment your large email list into different groups according to the price points at which the buyer had entered. The point of this segmentation is so you can target your promotions better, a strategy that I had never thought of.

Plan your marketing funnel

Now that you have your segmented list, your goal is to ultimately migrate subscribers up your list to the higher price points. Simply put, the higher price level someone is at, the more value that person is to you.

It is imperative however to plan your sales funnel beforehand, which was also something which I had never planned thoroughly. Michael explains that ultimately, what you want is a sales funnel looking something like the following:

Step 1: Start by selling an entry level e-book for $ 27. You may have a number of entry level e-books to widen your funnel and capture the different areas of your niche.

Step 2: Create / promote an “advanced” e-book for $ 97

Step 3: Create / promote a home study course for $ 197

Step 4: Create / promote a live teleseminar series for $ 497

Step 5: Create and sell personal coaching for $ 4,997

The course also states that when starting out in a niche, it is perfectly acceptable to not have your entire sales funnel planned, but you need to have planned at least two steps ahead.

As you can see, planning should be an essential part of your online business and was an area I certainly overlooked the importance of. The clear and defined sales funnel was an interesting concept and a strategy I will definitely be putting into practice going forward. This is particularly appropriate when considering entering a new niche as it may rule out entering some niches if you can’t find any products to promote along your sales funnel, highlighting again the need for planning and is obvious to me now.

How To Get New Buyers On Your List?

The second half of this course is for those who are struggling to find new innovative ways to add buyers to their list. Michael reveals the following 10 different strategies that he has used himself to get buyers onto his list:

  1. Start by selling low cost products
  2. Run a special offer on the href="">warrior forum
  3. Run a promotion where the prices increase at a deadline
  4. Offer upsells or one time offers
  5. Offer bonuses for affiliate product purchases
  6. Promote on other peoples’ thank you pages
  7. Contribute to a one time offer
  8. Contribute to a product
  9. Participate in holiday promotions
  10. Cross promote for 100% commissions

In the course Michael explains each in greater detail and also follows up each with an example of how to do it. While there were a couple of strategies that were not unfamiliar for me, I will definitely implement many that were new.

href=""> src="" alt="Get More Buyers" border="0" />

Since studying this course, I implemented one of the strategies mentioned – I bought some PLR (Private Label Rights) content and sold it as a low cost cookbook for $ 7. I had a bit of success with this, but probably not as much as it could have if I tried to sell it to them as soon as they signed up and offered it as a one time offer (one of the above strategies). In any case, those that bought this $ 7 cookbook are now on their own separate list and I’ve started implementing my strategy on how to get them to migrate up to higher price point lists.

Should You Study Get More Buyers?

This home study course is entirely in a video format and is in a simple, easy to understand structure. It does not come with any transcripts or mentoring, just the videos which are sufficient training in my opinion. It is most suitable for those who need help getting buyers onto their list and also helpful for those who currently have an existing list of subscribers, but need guidance migrating them up the sales funnel to become continuous buyers.

You can read the terribly long and hypey sales page to learn more about the course here -

href="">Get More Buyers by Michael Rasmussen

This course was particularly suitable for me as I had an existing list of subscribers who were yet to convert into active buyers. Starting out, I had naively thought that getting anyone to subscribe to my list would result in a revenue stream, so I will certainly implement some of the strategies going forward. As Michael states, a subscriber is worth nothing to you until they buy something, and I can certainly attest to that!

The strategies outlined can be applied to any niche you are in or intend to enter, which also makes these videos very practical.

If you are an experienced internet marketer, then this isn’t really the product for you. It is geared more towards the newbie to intermediate internet marketers out there.

Michael makes mention of not exhausting your list completely, and I probably would have liked to get a bit more content on this area, which is my only real gripe with this product. Whilst I know enough about human psychology not to bombard my subscribers with constant offers to buy five times a day, I am sure that finding the right balance to migrate people up your sales funnel is no easy task.

Having said that, I haven’t put all his strategies into practice as yet, so perhaps there is less of a need for additional content in this area. Also, I am sure that this part of email marketing is very dependent on the niche you are in, so perhaps this is hard to educate on a general level.

In any case, thoroughly studying this course has highlighted for me the case for planning as I have already seen some early positive results of this, so will certainly be trying out more of his strategies in the future – fingers crossed!

If you need guidance on getting more buyers onto your email list, or converting an existing email list into buyers, then you should check out Get More Buyers -

href=""> – $ 97 USD one time payment /> (Warning – it’s a typical sales page, very long and full of shiny objects, the actual course is good content though.)

Ilana Wechsler

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