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How To Get Rich

So this is the blog post where I tell you exactly how to get rich. Now I know with a title like “How to Get Rich”, I’m gonna lose a lot of people right away… but don’t make that mistake of clicking away. Keep reading, this is legit.

Actually, I suppose there are lots of ways to get rich… but I’m going to share with you what I think is the most surefire way to get rich – it’s the path that worked for me. The amazing thing is that, as you’ll see, it’s so darn simple.

Now the reality is that most people won’t get rich… I suppose that’s just the way the world works. I’m not sure why (though I have some theories.) But if you’re going to have a fighting chance, then this is the formula to put to work.

And I will also tell you that this formula is not 100% guaranteed… because I’m sure there are people that have worked this formula and NOT gotten rich. Nevertheless, in my years of careful observation, this is the formula that has worked over and over for the most people.

OK, enough preamble… let’s get to it. There are only four steps in this formula:

STEP 1. Decide what it means for you to be rich. For some people it’s an income of $ 100,000. For some it’s a million dollars in the bank. For some it’s $ 30 million in net worth… and for some it’s a whole lot more than that.

IMPORTANT: for some people (including me) it’s not really a financial measurement – it’s something else. Maybe it’s a state of mind, or it’s a set of relationships (with family, friends, community, etc.). Or it’s being able to ski a double-black-diamond run successfully. Or it could be something else.

But the bottom line is that you are going to shoot at a big target (and being “rich” is a big target), then you need to know what target you’re shooting at. You have to be able to see that target.

NOTE: here’s a little splash of reality – you will never be finished with Step 1. You will always be refining what it means to be rich. Please don’t shoot the messenger… that’s just reality, and it’s as it should be.

STEP 2: Study people who are rich, and do what they do. And of course, you want to be studying people who are rich by your definition of “rich”.

I know that sounds really simple… and, conceptually, it IS really simple. But the actual doing of it is a lot harder. And the reality is that most people are NOT rich or successful… so you don’t want to be doing what those people are doing. Most people are doing stuff that does NOT bring success. Don’t do that stuff.

You want to find the people who ARE having success (as you define success), and then do what they do. The best is if you can find several people to study, and try to identify the commonalities in what they’re doing. Study what they think and do, and study what they study, and study who they learn from.

Inevitably, you will find that some of the habits of rich and successful people are outside of the normal patterns that most people follow. That’s because most people are NOT successful.

NOTE: there are lots of resources that make the “discovery” part of this step easier than you would think. There’s lots of books about this type of stuff – including autobiographies and biographies.

STEP 3: Observe and record your progress… and then adjust.

You need to be self-aware… you will be installing new behaviours and habits. As you do so, it’s best if you keep some type of journal or record of your thoughts/actions. Look at what’s working for you, and what’s not working. Track your progress towards your definition of “rich”. Don’t expect overnight success (it won’t happen), but do celebrate your victories as they come.

Pay especially close attention to how your mindset evolves… because that’s the true secret to success. You will never be rich until you have a mindset that is rich and abundant.

STEP 4: Stop and have gratitude for your progress. Then go back and start over with Step 1… this is not a one-time formula. Almost everyone I know who is rich and successful (and I have the good fortune to spend a lot of time around those types of folks) is continually going through this process.

So there you have it… that’s a super-compressed version of the “secret formula” on how to get rich.

Now I know it sounds impossibly simple. And I know some people will think I’m being tongue-in-cheek with this post. But I’m not – this is absolutely the most surefire path to success that I know. Success leaves clues… so study what successful people do, find the common underlying strategies, and then DO THOSE THINGS.

Now to help you along the way, I’ve got a couple of resources for you… first is one of my Facebook pages with a free video series of my “Master Planning Process”… this is the yearly planning process I use to create my vision for my life each year. This is the process that I use in creating my vision for a rich life. Here’s the link:

Jeff’s Yearly Master Planning Process

So that’s how I plan out my year. Next up is the process I use to plan my DAYS… it’s a process I learned from Brendon Burchard. He taught it to me in a small mastermind meeting we were in, and I’ve found it to be super-powerful. Brendon calls it his “One Page Productivity Planner”… and he just published a free video training where he teaches how to use this process:

Brendon’s Daily Planning Process

Both of those resources are pretty cool, and they’re free… and they’re based on what very successful people are doing – so check them out.

So now onto your STEP 1…. what does it mean for YOU to be rich? And where are you in your journey?

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