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Lessons Learned From Generating $22 Million Dollar in Less Than 8 Years…Part 2

Sweet. So, apparently people loved the last post!

It really makes me happy to see that so many people are getting a lot of value from these posts. If you haven’t already read the last post, make sure that you do before reading this one (this post is part 2 of 2).

Click here!

This post is just a natural continuation from the last post BUT, you’ll notice right away that I start getting into more of the ‘how to’ steps to ACTUALLY turning entrepreneurship into a game that you’ll be able to win. And, of course, a game where you make a ton of money and are able to have a great life doing what YOU actually enjoy (kind of like a  big reward for being an entrepreneur, right!)

Before I get into those ‘how to’ steps and how you can generate money, let’s cover the third law of the game of entrepreneurship. The third law is the Law of Flow.

Law 3: The Law of Flow

The Universe we live in operates in complete harmony and flow. The more we can become connected with the flow of the Universe, the easier it becomes to create things we want.

When I’m at the top of my game, I’m able to get in flow, (kinda like being in the ZONE) that I’ve been able to instantly create things. Kinda freaky I know, but it’s pretty cool. I literally think of something I need and within days, hours or even minutes sometimes (not always) it shows up. Imagine you wanted new clients, money, or a sweet opportunity and it showed up minutes after you thought about it?! Kinda CRAZY.

YA… powerful stuff. I was freaked out when this first started happening, but now I’m just used to it and love having this power.

Believe it or not, my ability to make millions of dollars with my business year after year has stemmed from my BELIEFS… haha, no pun intended here. I’m serious!

Our beliefs drive our actions, so whatever results we want to create in our lives we first must change our INTERNAL MINDSET. If we want to live in flow and have the ability to instantly create the things that we want (new partners, customers, fast growing companies, investors)… this ALL stems from our ability to change our internal mindset.

There is a fundamental mindset you have to have to become a millionaire. And even a stronger mindset AFTER you’re a millionaire. Trust me.

Like I noted in the last post…

What You Think = What You See = How You Feel = The Way You React Emotional = What You Do = What You Get.

Let’s take it one step further now to…

What you BELIEVE = What You Think = What You See = How You Feel = The Way You React Emotional = What You Do = What You Get.

** I’m always slightly confused when I see entrepreneurs trying so hard and being so upset with outside circumstances THAT THEY HAVE NO CONTROL OVER.

My focus now in life and business is to CONSTANTLY stay within a state of flow AT ALL TIMES, so that I’m constantly attracting my desires.

When you are in flow, you’ll find that things come to you easily, you can accomplish projects much faster, and there’s no limitation to what IS achievable. I’m willing to bet that when I’m in total flow, I’m actually able to complete a large project 100 to sometimes even 1000 times faster then someone who isn’t in flow.

Being in flow is a powerful state to be in, and it is all cultivated within the mind first. Ok, enough talking from me… here’s how I stay IN FLOW.

5 Ways To Stay In Flow:

1. Focus On Having Fun: Do what you enjoy so you have fun WHILE building your business. This is key. What you get out of your business in the form of personal satisfaction, financial gain, stability and enjoyment will be the sum of what you put into your business. So if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, in all likelihood it’s safe to assume that will be reflected in the success of your business–or subsequent lack of success. In fact, if you’re not having fun doing what you’re doing, chances are you won’t succeed.

So… make FUN, a TOP priority! Like the #1 top priority.

This past year alone I traveled all over the world, attended many conferences, celebrated life more than probably ever before, and had the most fun I’VE EVER HAD. I also made the most money, got bought out by a public company for $ 1.95 million dollars, and continue to rapidly grow my companies. All of this was done while having A TON OF FUN.

Here are just some of the fun projects my team and I are working on this year:

  • Bitzio (a fast growing app business).
  • ChoicePoint (a full feature film).
  • Personal Projects & Products (like what you’re reading!).
  • My new Non-Profit Organization (exploration and education)
  • FUN. (Yes, that’s right!)

You may think that this is crazy, but think about Richard Branson and the number of companies he can run (something like 335 companies now). It’s because him and his teams are having FUN!

People actually laugh at me when I tell them that I don’t take calls or do business anytime before 11:00am. LOL. What can I say, my happiness comes second to NOTHING ELSE. And having a relaxed morning is key to me having a HAPPY day.

The only way I’d even want to continue working on a multitude of projects is because these things are A LOT OF FUN. That’s what keeps me going. And when I’m not having fun, I know something has to change.

2. Focus On Building A World Class Team: No one person can build a successful business alone. Your goal should NOT be to do more work, it should be to find more awesome and cool people who want to join your team. Think of business as playing a game of baseball and you are the pitcher. Yes, your position is very important, but what happens if one of the other teams players hits a ball and you have no one on your team. Haha! Well..that would suck now..wouldn’t it?  Well,  I’VE BEEN THERE!

Here’s a cool little secret for you. IF you are having FUN, building a world-class team is EASY. Many possible cool team members may have never been given the opportunity to just have A LOT of fun, because they’ve never thought of entrepreneurship as a fun game. The moment you come along and show them that entrepreneurship is just a fun game…  they will LOVE YOU.

I have tons of people wanting to work with me this year, and all that I’m really doing is having a good time.

3. Focus On the Future By Planning It Out: PLAN EVERYTHING. You get more of what you focus on, so create a future plan that gets you to stay focused on what you WANT to create. Spend at least 2 hours or even more planning out the future of your business every week. I’ve had thousands of customers, but the truth is, majority of them have this mental block to becoming millionaires. And many of them would spend about 2 hours a year planning their future, and the rest of the time they spend reacting to what their internal environment is bringing them… a recipe for disaster which does NOTHING for getting over the mental block! So create your life and your business life, or be planned for! I like to say, “Plan the Attack then Attack the Plan!”

Whenever you are planning your future it shows your mind what you are about to experience. Yes, sometimes plans do change BUT, you’ll still find that MOST of your plans actually happen the way that you plan them because you’ll also find it easier to adjust & be flexible, too, and simply make your plans happen… no matter what! And when you are planning, focus as much as possible on the language that you use in your plans and around how you think and talk about your plans. (I’ll talk more about this in a future post).

4. Focus On Clearing Your Mind: Invest in yourself. Invest time into your internal world. The best state of mind to create what you want and stay in flow is a mindset that is clear. The best way to clear your mind from random thoughts and bad images of future realities THAT DON’T EXIST is to meditate and just chill out. I do this by going into my infrared sauna and just relaxing for 30 minutes at least once a day. So find, or create a peaceful place for you to just… chill. Even if it’s that you gotta go for a walk… do so! Step away from the computer for AT LEAST 15 minutes a day to sit & relax your mind. I can’t stress this enough! I heard recently, “if you’re too busy to meditate, you’re too busy.” This is how important attending to your state of mind really is. In fact, it is because I started meditating more frequently over the last year that I have been getting more grounded with myself and my business. From getting back into meditation, to realizing truths, to not “living large”…

I’ve started to find myself again.

The power that comes from just sitting and being with yourself is a VERY important lesson that I have learned in the last 8 years that I think everyone needs to know… and start doing!

* If you need some meditation guidance and/or music that will help you get your mind into an alpha wavelength quickly (this is the optimal state of creation), just let me know!

5.  Focus On Changing Your Internal Mindset: Again, it’s ALL about the MIND! Work on yourself more than you work on your business, and the business will come. Whenever you are not creating what you want, DON’T WORK HARDER at getting it. Instead just determine how you need to change your internal mindset in order to get the external result you want. Then getting what you want becomes simple… you just keep making small changes to your internal mindset until you get the external results you want. Making small habitual changes is key. I have a friend who swears by reading at least one inspirational and positive quote EVERY day, no matter what. Make this a habit and you’ll feel the shifts. Promise.

Doing these 5 things each day allows me to stay in a constant state of flow, and allows me to rapidly create the reality I desire.  If you want some more ideas, definitely check out this video from Vishen Lakhiani. He’s a good friend of mine, and in this video he shares some of his ideas of how we can stay in flow more often as we continue to grow our ventures.

Lesson #3: There’s An Easy and Predictable Way To Make Lots of Money

Now that I’ve played and mastered many levels of the game of entrepreneurship, I’ve come to realize and believe that the game is 98% a mental game and about 2% a skill based game.

That’s a ‘bold statement’… I know. The reason I make this statement is that I’m 100% a product of this statement and I live and breathe this statement everyday and so do my partners.

You, like all entrepreneurs CAN EASILY develop any skill that you need to develop to win the game of entrepreneurship. What you need to do is focus less on developing skills and much more on developing the MINDSET.

Once you begin to get the mindset of the game mastered by working ON yourself then beating levels and winning the game becomes easy and fun. Just like going to the gym to build muscle, you gotta work on your mindset daily to build mental & emotional strength.

If you choose to adopt much of what I’m sharing with you then you too will be able to make lotsa money, help lotsa people, and feel great while you play this amazing and wonderful game called ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

It takes a very special person to be an entrepreneur. In fact you need to have very specific characteristics, and you have to be willing to do the work to overcome to mental blocks that you currently have.

Only when you create this internal mindset will you truly be able to create MASS SCALE IMPACT in the world. Let’s go over what this exactly is…

6 Ways To Achieve a MASS SCALE IMPACT Mindset.

1. Choose to solve BIG problems. 

Whenever you choose to solve ‘big problems’ in the world then there are lots of solutions. In the game of entrepreneurship the bigger the problems you choose to solve, the more impact you’ll be able to make. Money simply follows the impact you are making in the world.

Think about a company like Facebook… there mission is to, “Making the World More Open and Connected.” As they work towards this mission they are solving millions of small problems and challenges people have experienced for years!

Most entrepreneurs unfortunately think about themselves before thinking about helping other people. This selfish mindset alone is exactly why so many entrepreneurs go broke in their business… they aren’t playing the game properly. So open up your world and think of SERVING and helping others first, before just serving yourself. You’ll end up better off and happier person.

In fact Anthony Robbins talks about ‘contribution’ a lot! This quote from him sums up how important he KNOWS it is… “Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.”

2. Choose to help LOTS of people.

If you are going to build a business and you’re interested in making lots of money, then make life easy on yourself. Choosing to help lots of people will make your life WAY easier. Building this mindset is very easy IF you actually care about helping people and not just about MAKING MONEY.

Before starting ANY company ask yourself, “Why?” WHY does my company exists and how it is going to help make people’s like better?”

If and only if you have a powerful WHY, and therefore, a powerful purpose to your business, should you begin to build your business. A really great book to check out around this is ‘Start With Why’ by Simon Sinek. The title says it ALL.

3. Do something that is repeatable.

Making money becomes really easy and fun, when you learn a strategy that works once and you just repeat it over and over again. From my experience of playing the game of entrepreneurship, the money only really matters until you’ve made a couple million dollars in a year… then the game changes from making money to making a difference.

If you are still in the earlier levels of entrepreneurship that’s cool, you just need to make sure that you find a system that is repeatable and fun.

Then your goal should be to do this over and over again until you make enough money to free up your time and energy to focus on the next levels of entrepreneurship.

And remember when you’re setting up systems to make sure you’re keeping up with the high-tech world as it suits your needs.. The best technology is that which helps you, not that which impresses your neighbors.

4. Duplicate yourself.

Entrepreneurs who get stuck at the lower levels of the game do so because they try to do everything themselves. If you’ve already built a million dollar business you’d already know that it becomes harder and harder to get to the higher levels of the game when you try to do everything yourself.

You simply CANNOT manage the complexities of the game by yourself when you get past the million dollar mark (very few people can accomplish this).

The best way to move up to higher levels of the game is to find great people you can play the game with and to duplicate yourself OR replace yourself.

Whenever I start a new venture I always start with the mindset that I need to one day find someone to replace me… even Bill Gates got replaced at Microsoft.

Like Sir Richard Branson…the first thing he does when he starts a new company is to figure out how he can fire himself. That is awesome.

5. Study people who’ve completed the levels you are playing.

After you’ve successfully created the outline for the game you want to play (i.e. the market, the product, the team), then you’ll want to start studying and learning from people who’ve already mastered the level you are about to play.

Learn what challenges they experiences, what they had to overcome to pass that level, what mindset shifts they needed to go through, and what secrets they uncovered along their way to completing the level.

Decide on who you want to have as your celebrity mentors then read their books and test out their strategies until you too have mastered what they were able to master.

6. Enjoy the journey and focus on learning.

Top entrepreneurs buy and read business and marketing books, magazines, reports, journals, newsletters, websites and industry publications, knowing that these resources will improve their understanding of business and marketing functions and skills. They also attend workshops, seminars, network, and never stop investing in the most powerful, effective and best business and marketing tool at their immediate disposal–themselves.

Entrepreneurship is a long journey (think of it as a 25 level multiplayer game). New characters are going to come and go, new challenges are going to come up all of the time, when you complete one level you’ll just be starting another.

In fact, you’ll most likely never complete the game UNLESS YOU QUIT, because like World of Warcraft – they just keep making more levels. Instead of playing the game like you are going to finish it one day or eventually arrive at an end point, start thinking of entrepreneurship as a never ending game that you can stop anytime or just keep playing because you LOVE IT!


By now, you have learned a bunch about entrepreneurship through these last couple blog posts, and I trust that I’ve sparked some curiosity in your mind to want to learn more about how I’ve generated so much money over the years.

If you’re feeling curious then keep reading these blog posts, because I’m going to share everything I’ve done to build a multi-million dollar a year business doing one thing over and over again.

HINT: It has to do with storytelling.

The process is super simple and it works, and frankly, I just keep doing it over and over again to make more money, and in turn make more of a difference in the world. I’m happy to share it with you now, because I’ve moved on to yet another level of entrepreneurship and I want to give back to you & those going through the levels of that game that is… ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Why? Because it’s entrepreneurs like us who are changing the world for the better.

Your friend,

Amish Shah

P.S. Please get the word out & share this post with your followers & friends.  There’s no reason we all have to repeat the same mistakes, let’s learn from each other!

Amish Shah

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