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My Personal Transformation

If you’ve been following my story of transformation for a while, you know that I’ve been on a mission to transform my life and the world…through what I call “Mass Scale Impact”. Basically, I want to make the BIGGEST impact in the SHORTEST time…GLOBALLY. :)

This blog post is about one of the BIGGEST transformations I am making in my life…

Life is about being three things to most people:

1) Being Happy
2) Being Healthy
3) Being Wealthy

To achieve this, you NEED to concentrate on Mind, Body, and Soul.

I have always tried to have the right “mindset” and I STILL strive to improve my mindset through books and meditation. Spirituality is something that I love and I always strive to make myself a better person by “cleansing and purifying” the soul.

But…being healthy has been difficult for me. I eat WAY better than most people I know, but we all know it’s hard…especially with all the awesome tasting CRAP that is out there.

And exercise? What’s that? LOL…That’s even harder to maintain!

Focusing on Mind, Body, and Soul WILL let you achieve the results you want to achieve in life. Most people think they need to focus on MONEY. But that’s not the case.

Focus on yourself and the rest will come.

Here’s a recent Facebook Wall Post I wrote:










I realized I will ALWAYS have work to do. I will ALWAYS have emails to answer. I will ALWAYS have “fires” to put out. This is just a part of life! But that stuff is NOT urgent. It’s actually YOU that is urgent. It’s YOU that needs to change. Because once YOU change…so does you’re world.

I recently had some bloodwork done by the request of my doctor. The results weren’t what I was expecting.

I have high cholesterol, a “fatty liver”, and gastritis.

Lucky me, eh?

I guess all that drinking and eating crappy food didn’t help me. :)

Most doctor’s like to scare you with all kinds of things by saying you have this wrong with you and that wrong with you. And then they try to stick you on meds to help mask the problem.

My doctor said the same thing… and so I said…“NOT ME”.

The last thing I am going to do is take pharmaceuticals when I know I can fix myself.

That’s when I met Drew…

Drew Canole from challenged me to transform myself within 90 days.

(it’s funny how when you have positive intentions in life…positive people and events seem to enter your life at JUST the right moments)

Drew challenged me to transform my health and my body. Not transform like a transformer (well maybe?!), but transform my LIFE.


Just watch the video below to see what I’m talking about:

Since I started my challenge 30 days ago, I’ve lost 7 lbs. I’ve never really been “overweight”, just chubby. haha.

But now, I’ve shed a lot of my chubbiness and have a six pack in the making.

Actually, more like a 2.7 pack. :)

Check out my 2.7 pack in these pics below…









Now keep in mind, I don’t think I’ve seen those muscles in about 10 years! LOL! I used to have a six pack in high school and beginning of college, but everyone knows what college can do to ya. The common term “freshman 15″ (where you gain 15 pounds your freshman year) didn’t really apply to me. It was more like freshman 30 for me. :)

So what have I been doing?

1) Eating properly.

Over the last 4-5 years, I’ve eaten very “clean” and healthy foods, but I did love cheese (and other dairy), bread, sugary drinks, and alcohol.

So I cut ALL dairy, most gluten and white bread, refined sugars, alcohol and sugary drinks out of my diet. Of course I’ll eat it once in a while, because I don’t like to be a Nazi on myself and have to live by a strict regimen. But being in control is everything! Everything in moderation! Don’t overdo it!

The occasional cheese in salads is okay, but no more melted cheese stuff. The occasional piece of bread isn’t going to kill you, so that’s okay too. And the occasional drink won’t hurt either. Everything in moderation!

And as far as milk…I haven’t drank milk since I was about 16 because it’s just so bad for you. We are the ONLY mammal’s that drink milk after feeding from our mothers. Doesn’t that just seem odd? Some raw milk has been proven to have benefits, but the milk you find in stores is just horrible for you. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it caused diseases.

A common misconception is that eating healthy is hard. It’s REALLY not as hard as you think. It just takes a strong mind, strong will, and determination.

2) Juicing.

I can’t even tell you how much my life has changed because of juicing. Thanks to Drew who introduced me to juicing. When I first started juicing, my body went into detox mode and cleanse mode. I used to get tired at random times of the day and feel tired and sleepy. I used to also feel “high” or “light headed” when I would drink these drinks. All those side effects have stopped now and I just get a HUGE burst of energy when I drink these drinks. I juice about 2 to 3 times a day and I make all kinds of juices with all kinds of veggies and fruits…Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Parsley, Cucumber, Radish, Celery, Zucchini, Garlic, Tomatoes, Celery, Beats, Carrots, Apples, Pears and the list goes on and on.

You’re body needs these “micro nutrients” to heal itself. If you can fix the outside of your body, why not the inside? That’s what juicing does.

I recently saw a great movie called “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead“. This movie fortifies the fact that juicing is CRUCIAL to your health!

The juicer I got is the Breville Juice Fountain Elite. This things a BEAST and works great.

Drew has a great juice book called “Juice Up Your Life” and it’s located here here

3) Exercise.

I am going to the gym about 3 times a week and running twice a week. So 5 days total. I’m starting Yoga in a week or so which will take up one of the days from running.

During my workouts, I usually run, do some core exercises, and then do some weight training. Nothing out of the ordinary or weird stuff like P90x. Just some good old school workouts.

4) Meditation, Determination, and Having Vision.

The key to staying focused and determined through this and being able to be in control of yourself requires mental stamina. Let’s face it, eating healthy and exercising is hard work. It’s harder than most other things you do in your life!

Just meditating and envisioning what you want to achieve in life can dramatically change everything. From health to wealth to your happiness…Meditation, Determination, and Envisioning what you want is what connects your mind, body and soul. This is what creates your happiness, your good health, and your great wealth.

If you can control your mind and not let your mind control you, you can move mountains. (seriously!)

And if you focus on fixing YOURSELF first, you’ll see everything you’ve ever wanted in life to start to appear. I’ve been on a mission to transform my life and transform the world and I see REAL results happening every day. By concentrating on myself, I’ve seen my business change to a whole new level, my mindset has increased to a profound and much higher level, people have entered my life that needed to be there, and so much more. :)

Oh ya, if you haven’t had a chance to check out the MBS Seminar Video’s, make sure you do so. I dig deep into mindset, controlling your thoughts, and achieving what you want. Not to mention some of the BEST marketing strategies and money making ideas out.

Check out the life changing DVD’s here : MBS Seminar 2.0 DVD’s >>

I hope I inspired you all to make a major transformation in your life and I KNOW I will see you ALL make major breakthroughs in your life by following these very simple steps!

My transformation is over in 60 days and I’ll be back to tell you what my “doctor” says and how my blood work shows up!

Together…we can CHANGE the world.

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Let’s Do This!

Amish Shah

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