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Ruth Anne Wood


Thanks Frank for the opportunity to share this particular story since I think anyone who gets that: Success comes proportionate to the amount of influencers you help and the positive conversations and relationships you create and nurture. Also when you have a spark of an idea act on it even if it is a reaction you get from the negative impute you receive from the news or critics. Before this year I had struggled to get media attention for me and my client’s books I helped write and publish and I always dreamed about being a prosperous playwright, producer, interviewer, story teller and professional speaker. Keep in mind, I also lacked passion and focus in one money generating product or service.


My breakthrough also came in an October. It was the end of October 2009 when I heard the naysayers criticize the Nobel Peace Committee for picking Barack Obama for the recipient of the Nobel Peace Award. It hit a nerve with me because I too had my heart set on an award. An Oscar for best new playwright given out by the Academy. Was my screenplay completed or in the hands of an agent? No, but my husband generously gifted me time to work on it for 1/2 a year in 2009 (after I helped him successfully launch his six figure IT programming business Immersion Technology three years earlier) As a result I finished a draft and sent it to a script coach who formally worked for Show Time and HBO. He and his partner read and reject it on the basis of too many plots which I wasn’t wiling to give up at the time. Then I met with a Hollywood movie producer out in LA in April 2009 interested in the project and never reconnected. (Yes fear of success had definitely been a dream stopper.) Yet there was this nagging feeling even after watching my Mind Movie over and over that there was something I needed to do first to help me finish my screenplay and heal a part of me that thought my story/screenplay wasn’t good enough yet. After all how did all the award winning artists and best selling authors feel the fear and do it anyway?


The seeds of my answer came to me at the end of October 2009, the same week I simultaneously enrolled in Fabienne Fredrickson 10 Week Client Attraction boot camp and Ryan Lee’s $ 1 trial marketing and mindset continuity membership site. Somewhere in there I also requested Frank Kern’s gift of CORE INFLUENCE.


I imagined myself standing before a global audience at the Nobel Peace Concert the day after Barack accepted his award hosted by Will Smith and family. In three minutes I would give my best tips and inspiration for how I’ve helped my friends, massage and business strategy clients create peace and prosperity in their lives. I began having this conversation with a couple friends about my three minute presentation in Oslo, Norway. I was getting all sorts of feedback what others would say in their three minutes on the global stage including my friend Dave, “Hey you spelled my name wrong!”


These casual conversations gave me impetus to book space at Circle of Miracles, the interfaith church that first sparked an idea for an afternoon workshop where people would ignore what they heard from the media and get the chance to express their experience of peace and what the word PEACE even meant. I also had the idea to film the conversation and send a 3-7 minute conversation movie montage to the Nobel Peace Committee by the time Mr. Obama gave his acceptance speech December 10, 2009. I had made my goal with no idea how it would pan out since I had little money and no editing equipment at the time. It was at the end of October 2009 the clock was ticking.


Little did I know a retired film maker in his 80′s who had just moved from California to New Jersey to take up painting would take my afternoon project to a whole new level. Bill Jersey (who had been nominated for or won all the prestigious awards I had on my film makers wish list!) asked me who was going to film my workshop and I lit up! “I had one company in mind,” I told him but secretly was thrilled to have him do it which he agreed.

Within a couple days, my media savvy friend Edie Weinstein whose known me since I was 12 and married me and my husband told lots of her friends to register for my November 29, 2009 event that would be filmed by an Emmy award winning film maker! This was precious and within 48 hours my bank and payola account had risen $ 1495 in registrations for our four hour community forum. This included sixteen participants who donated $ 50-$ 250 for the two charities I selected to receive profits from the event including; Twilight Wish, my friend’s 501c3 that honors low income seniors and makes dreams come true and Circle of Miracles the host of my big event after the profits of film making and marketing costs.


Then I put the word out on HARO, a free media query site that I was looking to interview someone who actually attended the Nobel Awards and got an interview with Anita Laughlin the spouse of a Nobel Laureate who won 12 years ago in Physics and had just written a book on the experience! Borrowing the credibility of my Emmy Award winning film maker, suddenly I had two pricy PR agents eating out of my hands feeding me great experts to interview, a project I had never considered when I set out to do an afternoon workshop to get answers for myself to deal with my own issues around PEACE.


I finally discovered the power of tapping into a global community to get their pulse on a subject near and dear to their heart. Sure Frank Kern had been talking about this all along yet I did have my WHY or WHAT until the 2009 global peace conversation.


I’m happy to report I achieved my three goals set last October:

1. To share the profits of the workshop with two local charities; Twilight Wish and Circle of Miracles

2. To send a digital copy of the workshop to the Nobel Peace Committee. Just in the nick of time, my husband surprised me with his new Apple Pro two weeks before my deadline and helped me edit four hours down to 6 minutes and 37 seconds. Hours before my deadline it was digitally uploaded to Youtube and a link sent to the Nobel Peace Committee just in the nick of time by my December 10 deadline when Barack Obama gave his talk

3. To have an online community of peace makers to exchange ideas. To date I have over 40 interviews with luminaries from around the world making a difference in the community


Goal number three has been a year long joy which has connected me with guests for my interview series from around the world. The biggest lessons I’ve learned is I how in demand the service is to give best selling authors, multi-millionaire entrepreneurs award winning artists and everyday community leaders a venue to share their stories. Thi act of generosity has been powerful beyond belief. As a result I’ve been invited to speak on stage with luminaries and joint venture on exciting projects. Before in my career I was trying to figure out how to GET noticed and then by accident I discovered that the SECRET was to give what I wanted to the ones already doing what I wanted to do. The more movers and shakers I helped and spread their message the more I learned from them. I begun to rise in credibility and share in their level of excellence just by filling my head and heart with their proven methods and inspiring stories and giving them a venue to share and be heard and seen!


When ever I saw one of my friends such as Edie who helped me raise a thousand dollars in 48 hours, I contacted that same experts she interviewed if they were going to b in my city to speak. The community of experts really took off after my media friend Edie Weinstein invited me to participate in a three time best seller’s book launch campaign. For my product give away during her big book launch I offered to interview her. This really helped open up the credibility door to interview other superstars in the Self Help Spiritual, Success Entrepreneur venue as I casually mentioned the names of my previous guests. It worked like a charm!

At the National Book Expo in May 2010 I got a great piece of coaching doing a Q and A session with Gary Veynerchuk. When I asked how to monetize my community he told me not to ruin a good thing. That I had only been at this for less than a year and that building relationships and content was king. What was the hurry!


Turns out Gary was right. Shortly after opportunities opened up to share my story and speak on stage with some heavy hitters at two live events. The story continues as I help my Scripting for Success clients write their own media success story in a way that had landed me these gigs. I continue to be grateful for every opportunity I get to teach other entrepreneurs interested in connecting their passion to a global conversation to attract the attention of industry superstars and media attention. It’s so important to create a venue or outlet to feed your passion because it turns luminaries and media are hungry for the same thing and will be looking for you to help them spread your global conversation.

Frank Kern Internet Marketing

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