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Setting & Reaching your GOALS

In this article you are going to learn a system that can and will assist you in setting and attaining your goals this year and beyond if you chose to follow it. This system has allowed me to reach heights and accomplishments in unrelated fields that seem mind boggling in retrospect. Ranging from being a National Bicycle Champion, to the #1 Honor Graduate out of USMC Boot Camp, #1 in 5 separate sales organizations to working as Mike Filsaime’s VP for almost 3 years now, and much more.

If you apply these 5 steps into your life you too can get yourself from where you are now to where you want to be in record time.

1st Step is to clarify your Vision. What do you really want? If you could be, do & have anything, what would you choose? More specifically, in the upcoming year what is your number one goal you would like to focus on and attain?

Grab a blank sheet of paper right now, write ‘Dream List’ at the top of it and list everything you even think you want to be, do, or have. Let your imagination run wild and take all things into consideration like: family, travel, income, cars, homes, lifestyle, accomplishments, etc. From that list you will have some short-term goals and some long-term goals. Now it is up to you to choose a couple (2-4) of those Dreams that you want to focus on in this upcoming year. If you were to fast-forward to December of next year, what would you look back upon and be most proud of if you were to accomplish in this year.

2nd Step is to Believe. As long as your goal is in line with your skills and aptitudes, you need to believe that if you commit to this goal and take the proper steps to achieve it then you can reach it. Law of cause and effect, sowing and reaping will come into play here. As long as you are not choosing to go where no man has gone before, and if you are aware your goal is attainable by others, then it can be attained by you with the proper actions.

3rd Step is to Identify & Align. Identify as specifically as possible who has attained what you are seeking to accomplish, then align yourself with them as best as you can. Align yourself with e-books they have written, courses they provide, seminars they put on, plus any audio or video you can find about them and their journey. Plug in and get your questions answered. Namely this one, “How can I, in the most efficient & timely manner, get from where I am to where you are?”

4th Step is a Relentless Commitment to Action. You must be willing to pay your dues with Massive Action. Depending on your skill level and the gap between where you are compared to where you want to be, this action can take weeks to years to decades in some cases of goals. When you study most successful people you will find that they were overnight successes that took about 5-15 years going above and beyond what was expected, major commitment, and massive action.

You will also notice they didn’t allow setbacks or failed attempts to stop them. They learned from their mistakes, picked themselves back up, and continued on in taking more massive proper action as best as they knew.

5th Step is to Have Fun & Enjoy the Journey. Whenever you have a goal that lights your fire and becomes almost like your passion, it takes on a life of it’s own and the hours of study and work seem more like fun than work. If and when you have a goal that you dread putting time or action into and it feels like a job, I would suggest you reevaluate that goal or dream. That being said, here is a quote by Zig Ziglar that best summarizes this journey of setting and achieving goals:

“When you do the things you need to do, when you need to do them, the day will come when you can do the things you want to do, when you want to do them.”

I want to assist you in attaining your goals this year and beyond and will continue with Setting & Reaching Your Goals in 2009 in next month’s article.

This article is one of the “Featured Articles” in our Print Newsletter, “MDC Monthly.” This article was written by Tom Beal, one of the many expert marketers (like Stephen Pierce, Anik Singal, George Brown, and Omar Martin) that write for our newsletter along with Mike Filsaime. You can get a free trial copy shipped to your door by clicking here.

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