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Still Struggling To Make Money Online?

The ever so calm Angry Russian a.k.a Alex Tsatkin from FlipSite Media is back with another kick up the ass post.

make money online excuses

Listen up because here’s the truth you need to hear.

Here are some “excuses” for failure I hear all the time. Tell me what’s the one common thing of each of them.

  1. Google Adwords is done.
  2. The Facebook Ads team are Nazis.
  3. The traffic source is too competitive.
  4. The advertiser doesn’t like my quality.
  5. The market is too saturated.
  6. Someone stole my campaign.
  7. Those offers are too “shady”.
  8. I don’t have a testing budget like the other affiliates.

Give up?

The answer‚ YOU.

The only thing in common is that you were there.

It’s your fault that you fail. Stop blaming everyone and everything.

These excuses are your crutch. You get off on being the struggling enterprenuer. You are too scared to succeed and will come up with a million reasons as to why you fail.

Instead spend that energy thinking of ways to succeed.

I share this not to chastise you, but from experience.

Only when you get out of your own way will you see that the money was right there in front of you the whole time.

Often you get caught in “circular” thinking where the right answer is obvious to outsiders yet you somehow keep missing it.

Let me give you a few examples of actual people I met since moving to Melbourne:

blogger cartoon1. Blogger with 5 well ranking sites monetizing with AdSense. He kept complaining about how little time he had and that he was only 1 person. When I asked why not try to monetize better (offered my help for free) and use the extra profits to hire a writer? His response was he was too busy because he was only 1 guy and didn’t have the time.

developer cartoon2. Developer who aggregates real estate data into a useful website. Loves the idea of having his site bought out so holding on to the hope at all costs including his time and servers. I asked why not monetize hard now which will attract more buyers? His answer something to do with too many ads hurting usability and lowering the value of the site.

blogger cartoon3. Affiliate who spends hours reading and trying random niches too scared to swim with the sharks in the big verticals. Sure he makes profit but doesn’t make enough to do it full time. No matter how much he was told “hey man just run some diet,” fear always forces him to run some random “How to build birdhouses” ebook instead. After all there’s no money in diet because it’s too competitive.

(the last example is actually how I stood in my way before I had my first breakthrough campaign)

Step back for a minute.

Take a hard look at who’s really holding you back.

Mr Green

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