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When it comes to…

When it comes to realizing our full potential…truth is each of us has and have ALWAYS had “tremendous potential” inside of us…just waiting to be unlocked.

Sometimes we find it hard to get where we want in life because of all that we are taking in and being “fed” by external influences…

Perceptions of the world were put into us at a very early age…and STILL are…

Grow up, go to school, get a job, make money, start a family, eat this, do that, save money, theres no time for that, buy this, you’ll get sick, you need to eat this, etc etc…

We conform to these “ideas” of reality around us and so sometimes we “suppress” ourselves instead of actually “express” ourselves.

And that slows us down as humans…because we are by nature…expressive creatures…here to create magnificent things for ourselves, each other and this planet…

Each and every single one of us has such massive potential…that we have the ability to massively affect everything in our reality.

From our own lives…to fixing broken systems…to creating movements…to starting a business or a new job…to helping others’…to anything we do in our life!

Yep…we ALL have the power to create, operate, and destroy anything our minds can realistically grasp!

And THAT ultimately gives YOU the power to create your OWN reality, affect the reality of others around you and the reality of the world!

And so after deep research and experimentation…I’ve found that the only way to truly express yourself and unlock YOUR “tremendous potential”… is to “disconnect” from those external influences and discover the true nature of just simply…


And not just being…

But being YOU…

In your realest and rawest form.

Because it’s usually only then that you turn your suppression to expression and reveal your full potential as a human.

Amish Shah

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